Sunday, June 23, 2019

Recap: Medina Half Marathon

It was a chill kind of race.

To give you an idea of it, I didn't even wear my Garmin that day. For me, that is UNHEARD OF.

I had come off the Cleveland Marathon with a time far above what I wanted. I was trying to recover. I was suffering. I got lucky.

I got lucky because I convinced a fellow Mother Runner (Amy) to run with me. She said she wanted a steady 11:00/mile pace, and I knew I could do that. Thank goodness for Amy.

We had a great time running in horrible heat (again), and I actually didn't worry about it because. . . hey. I said I would run an 11:00/mile, and that is what I did.  Thank you, Amy.

Lake Medina. Amy and I pretend that the freaking humidity isn't bothering us.
Finish line. See what a false friend I am? I had to sprint ahead.  Sorry, Peeps. I am just built that way.

 I would like to give a shoutout to the race director, Beth Bugner. I have run this race every year (with the exception of 2016, when I gave up my bib because I had to attend my friend's funeral). Each year truly gets better. I was in doubt that the Medina citizens would be able to handle a half marathon in their neighborhoods because their behavior was questionable and dangerous in the early stages of the race. This year I had no reservations whatsoever about cars or any dangerous situation, and I attribute that to Beth's hard work.  Thank you. The Medina Half Marathon is my goodbye to the school year, and the efforts of the coordinators and volunteers allow me to say goodbye in the best possible way.  I have already purchased my bib for next year, and I encourage you to do the same.  Let's meet at PJ Marley's afterwards for beer and omelets.

As soon as I finished the half marathon, I took off for Salt Lake City for a side gig scoring essays. Salt Lake City is gorgeous, Peeps. I was only able to run up to 5 miles each morning, but gosh.  I can't even describe the mountains as they turned from red to pink to orange.  What a great week.
I ran as far as I could go towards the foothills before 5:30. This is where the road stopped.

Capitol Building at 5:00 AM

For the past two weeks, I have tried to get back to a long trail run, but it has been difficult, Peeps. I am training for the 17.5 mile leg of Burning River, but I just don't have the time. Last week I ran 10 trail miles on Sunday, and this week I ran 13 trail miles. That will have to do because I am leaving for Houston for the National Education Representative Assembly next week. Then I have family vacation (thank God!), and then we have Burning River.  I'll be ready.  I will.

The Stepping Stones at Sand Run. Marta, Rae, Caroline. We had a great run today!

I wish I could be more clever, but I am dealing with a bit of writer angst this week, Peeps. I feel like I should have written on my education blog, and I feel like this post should have happened last week. Deadlines suck.

In any case, embrace the weather! I hope you run happy, Peeps!

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